
Saturday, December 22, 2012

So what exactly will I be writing about?

At lunch with my sister I told her I was starting a new blog, with a real theme.  

She was a little underwhelmed when I told her the theme was moderation.  

"But moderation is boring, and you are the exact opposite of moderation.  I mean you live in extremes….what do you have to say about living moderately?"

Aren't sister's a joy?

Another friend posed the question to me, wasn't the fact that I was trying to be "good" at moderation merely a testament to my obsession with perfection and indicative of my past behavior and patterns with most of my endeavors?

Supportive group I have around me, no?

My affinity with extremes is exactly why I wanted to write about moderation.  I do nothing moderately-conciously or unconsciously.  I consciously choose to pursue measurable goals like marathons, career pinnacles, saving goals, and getting certifications.  I unconsciously draw interesting people and adventures to me…and chaos and lunatics, too.  I thrive in excess.  

Part of this is great, and it makes me who I am and has brought me a lot of success.  But, call it getting older, call it maturity, call it boring, I know I need to have more balance in my world.  

So I'll be writing about moderation in the obvious way-a struggle to attain work life balance, silencing an inner critic, accepting that something can be fun without being perfect, finances, health, and some of my failings and misadventures too as I go down this path.  

Let's get busy.  

1 comment:

  1. If you need any advice I am here. I am the perfect case study of someone who only half asses everything. It's great :)

    Woohoo to your journey!
